Published on: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Epson again selected as constituent of index series demonstrating ESG practices Epson has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for the 15th consecutive year. The FTSE4Good Index Series measures the performance of companies demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. They are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products. Epson aims to create new value by looking hard at solutions to social issues, understanding the expectations of society, and then providing products and services that far exceed those expectations. The company is committed to the development of a sustainable society through the four areas of innovation identified through its Epson 25 Corporate Vision. Epson has been helping to solve various social issues by delivering unique value through innovative and creative products and solutions. Their mission is to build stakeholder trust as they grow and prosper with communities and to help create a better world. Epson considers any action designed to realise Epson's Management Philosophy to be a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity. In addition to ensuring compliance, observing corporate ethics, and fulfilling responsibilities at a level that exceeds what society requires, Epson will fully demonstrate their unique creativity in CSR by creating value through the products they develop and manufacture. In recent times Epson developed a materiality matrix that identifies key CSR themes, such as environmental issues, respect for human rights, human resources development, and governance. Epson use this matrix to guide and strengthen their CSR activities and to help make the world a better place. Epson has also selected CSR themes, taking into account social issues defined by ISO 26000 and other sources. They evaluated them from both their company perspective and a social perspective, and prioritised the key themes in the "Key CSR Themes" matrix. To help ensure that Epson’s activities are effective, the company specified action items and targets (KPI) for each key CSR theme. Epson periodically revise the key CSR themes and action items based on feedback from stakeholders and will systematically drive continuous improvements. Previous Article Sign Print Stitch offers free Anzac Day bin sticker design files to industry Next Article AFI Branding produces sustainable branded fabric face masks during COVID-19 Print Rate this article: No rating